The Big FCP Creative Summit 2023 Thank You List

I've been to five in-person FCP Creative Summits and this year's was the best!

The enthusiasm and raw FCP energy was through the Apple Park roof. From the opening Keynote with iJustine and Nick Harauz, to the Apple Park visit with the FCP Team FCP 10.7 exclusive worldwide preview and the closing event Q&A session, the enthusiasm and energy for Final Cut Pro was everywhere.

I can't thank everyone individually but I'm going to thank all who helped make this event a huge success.

The Big FCP Creative Summit 'Thank You' list

The entire Final Cut Pro Pro Apps Team

Apple and the Apple Park visit crew

All of my old friends (not old in years!)

My new FCP Creative Summit friends

Each and every one of the FCPro editors that attended

All the FCPro FCP Creative Summit presenters

FCTV FCPRadio sponsors FMC, Coremelt and Hedge

All of my FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube followers

The 'Buy Me a Coffee' crew and their Summit donations

The entire FCP Creative Summitt crew at FMC (especially Megan Belka!)

The FCP Creative Summit Sponsors and

The Scrolling Timeline in FCP 10.7

And one very special thanks to my friend and business associate, Ben Kozuch, without whom, I doubt this event would ever happen!

From the entire Final Cut Pro community, thanks to everyone who helped make this FCP Summit a success. And a special Thank You to Ben!

I recorded, including interviews, over 1.5TBs of video while at the Final Cut Pro Creative Summit. Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting some of those clips on social media.

As I said in my Final Cut Pro Creative Summit documentary,

The "Good Old Days" are back!

Final Cut Pro FCPX Creative Summit - The Documentary

FMC's Ben Kozuch